Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Interview with Dan (ex-Keepsake, Until The End, Eulogy Recordings)

Monday, November 24, 2008

City: Orlando
Years Active: 1993 - 1999
Type of Music: Punk
Myspace or Website: http://www.myspace.com/shysterforever
From the Shyster Myspace:
"Shyster was conceived back in May of '93 in Orlando, FL under the influence of heavy metal and California punk. The fiery and typically always-changing-members quartet established itself through a series of demos, albums ("Say Uncle," 1996; "February," 1998) and compilations (including locally produced "Spirit of '99" and "1998 Orlando Music Awards"). And for its live impact, the band has taken the trophy in the Punk category for two Orlando Music Awards. Through it all, Shyster has triumphed where many have failed: longevity.
After almost six years of releasing 7-inchers and CDs, and tirelessly traveling around the country playing basements and bowling alleys, you'd think Shyster singer-guitarist (and main songwriter) Mike Levin would have had his fill of the punk-rock lifestyle. But he continues to make music, now in New York with his new band, The New Lows."
Shyster - Thats My Story And I'm Stickin To Ithttp://www.megaupload.com/?d=961FAFH1
Shyster - Cold Weather
Shyster - Say Uncle
Shyster - February
Shyster - Their tracks from the "Spirit of 99" Compilation
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Pre-Thanksgiving Update
Ill have an update tomorrow but Ill be heading to Miami for the Thanksgiving weekend so there will be no post on Thursday. Also, I will spending 3 weeks in Miami for the Christmas holiday and Ive already spoken to people about acquiring music as well as old flyers to post so be ready for that. I should have a new interview with Shai Hulud's Matt Fox up in the next week or so.
Heres a few things Im currently looking for (anything from the following):
Chocolate Grasshopper
Dan's Army
The Believers
Dead Patriot
Tension (demo)
Solid Answer (pre-Bloodlet)
The Lab Rats
Going Nowhere
Dynamo Plaza
Anything else you havent seen posted, demos, 7 inches, 12 inches, Comps, Eps...anything. Get in touch by posting a comment or emailing me at Bestwisheshc@yahoo.com
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Outrights

City: Fort Laudedale
Years Active: 1994 - 2000
Type of Music: Punk
Myspace or Website: http://www.myspace.com/outrights
Taken from the Outrights Myspace:
"If memory serves me right, the Outrights existed from roughly 1994 - 2000. In that time, the Outrights released 2 full length CDs, a 7", and a couple of comp tracks on various south florida labels. We managed two US tours during high school, taking us to far-off lands like Chicago, which is about as far as Istanbul to a 16 year old kid from Florida.
We played locally at Cheers and Respectable Street and Club Q and Happy Daze, with local bands like the Schmendricks, Side Order, The Crumbs, Against All Authority, Hudson, Project Winston, the Vacant Andys, and A New Found Glory. Some idiot promoters also put us on stage with national acts like Guttermouth, MTX, The Beatnik Termites, Discount, and the Teen Idols.
We probably hit our peak at age 17, more-or-less living in a dirty warehouse in Pompano Beach where we drank far too much, watched Johnny swing from the rafters, and manged to write the second record.
Marco Argiro - Guitar/VocalsNow Playing with THE MOOD in NYC
Chad Voight - Drums
Now Playing with BAD WIZARD in NYC
Travis Woods - Bass
Now digging ditches for pennies"
Also if memory serves Andrew who played in Poison the Well, Drowningman, and The Distance also played in the Outrights.
The Outrights - Its The Attack of The Outrights
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

City: Miami
Years Active: 1994 - 1997
Type of Music: Emo
Myspace or Website: http://www.myspace.com/nobuhjest
From the Nobuhjest Myspace:
"Started through an ad placed at yesterday and today records (Miami, Florida) in '94.
Played their first show at the local college to a huge group of high school truants
Drove to Gainesville, FL the next day with friends, WAS, to play their second show at the Megarock Arena with Tampa's End of The Century Party and Gainesville's Fried Christ.
Joined the Smoothlips records outlaws who released first 7" later that year which was recorded at Tapeworm studios by Jeremy Dubois
Began performing outside of Miami more often at some great venues like Ft. Pierce's Old Schoolhouse where they met Vero's Discount and Tampa's My Pal Trigger.
Went on their first mini-tour with My Pal Trigger. The bands went as far as Wilmington, North Carolina
Began performing alongside some great touring bands such as Lifetime, Garden Variety, The Van Pelt, Braid, Castor, Rye Coalition, Karate, Cursive, Traluma, Kerosene 454, later touring with State College's Ethel Meserve, and with Piebald and Cave In during thier last trek out.
throughout this time a few other records featuring :nobuhjest: were released
A split 7" w/ Chicago's Traluma (smooth lips records)
A track called "Fuse" for the Bottlenekk Distribution's Sampler CD (Bottlenekk Distro)
"Define and Direct" on "The Eagle has Landed" 2x12" (Tranquility Base)
A 4 way split 7" with Miami's Gemma, Lawrence, KS' Proudentall and Teresa Undefined on Fragil Records out of Gainesville, FL
played their last show at Power Studios in Miami, FL
parted ways in late '97. "
Members of the band went on to the following bands:
Foreign Bodies
Map of the Universe
Nobuhjest - Self Titled on Smooth Lips Records
Thursday, November 13, 2008
To The Bitter End

City: Miami
Years Active: 1999 - 2000
Type of Music: Hardcore
Myspace or Website: n/a
To The Bitter End wasnt around for a long time and they would have done pretty well if they stuck around. Bundy from Mehkago NT on vocals playing metal hardcore. Still listen to this fairly often. Great demo...from what I understand there are more songs recorded but these 2 were the only ones on the demo.
To The Bitter End - Demo
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

City: Pompano Beach
Years Active: 1995 (maybe 1994)
Type of Music: Punk/Ska
Myspace or Website: n/a
Cowpuncher featured memebers of Shai Hulud and the Vacant Andys playing a mixture of punk and ska. As far as I knowthis is the only thing they ever released...if Im wrong, correct me please. Check it out
Cowpuncher - Demo
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Another great blog focusing on Florida music
Thursday, November 6, 2008
One Size Fits All / The Brown Study

City: Miami
Years Active: 1996 - 1999 (roughly)
Type of Music: Punk
Myspace or Website: http://www.myspace.com/therealbrownstudy
Taken from the Brown Study Myspace:
"One Size Fits All met some other loser and then they changed their name and started doing drugs. they played alongside punks who'd smack their heads against their van only to be cursed with lopsided mohawks and they avoided stoopid bro labels. they played redneck venues in davie and krishna temples in coconut grove and ate at wendy's after practice almost every single time."
To add to that, the band started as One Size Fits All and then changed their name to The Brown Study. They released a 7 inch on Carpathia Records which is available below.
One Size Fits All - La Alegrai Musica de One Size Fits All
The Brown Study - ST