City: Orlando
Years Active: 1995 - 2002
Type Of Music: Hardcore/Metal
Myspace or Website: http://www.myspace.com/dragbody
I was contacted by the band yesterday who gave me their permission to post their record "Inheritance Of Detriment" which is a collection of 7 inches. The record is in print but the band has never received royalties from the label so they told me to post it for everyone to enjoy. Also check out the post I did previously to hear their other material. Thanks guys for the support
From the Dragbody Myspace:
dragbody rocked it loud and crazy style from 1995 - 2002. we released three 7" records (all of which were later combined into one cd - an inheritance of detriment), one split 7" record (with burial ground), one split 12" record (with crucible), and one full length cd (flip the kill switch). obviously, there are no more dragbody shows and no more new dragbody records as we are no longer a band. however, i believe our old records are still available. please get in touch if you have trouble locating a copy of the the record you desire. please look for shows and records by scott white and mike rosen's new band, railsplitter (http://www.myspace.com/railsplitter) and tom's new band, cardinale (http://www.myspace.com/cardinale). also, pick up a copy of twilight songs by venusian skyline because scott poyer plays drums on it. thanks for reading this.
Dragbody - Inheritance of Detriment
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