City: Miami
Years Active: 1991 - 1993 (roughly)
Type of Music: Rock
Myspace or Website: n/a
Pontius Pilot was the band that Juan Montoya (Ed Matus' Struggle, Torche) started during the early years of Ed Matus' Struggle. I never saw em but they were pretty amazing. The quality of this recording isnt incredible but its a great listen. Give it a listen and see what you think. If anyone has more info, pass it on
Pontius Pilot - Demo and a live track from the Churchills Hideaway comp
Hi, I just found this amazing blog. I was searching for some albums by The Crumbs and I stumbled across this site. I was just wondering if you can help out with my request? Would you happen to have these albums by The Crumbs you could post?
Hold That Shit Right
Last Exit
Out Of Range
The Crumbs (S/T)
Pontius Pilot was around before Ed Matus' Struggle began. This was one of my favorite local bands next to Quit and Load back when I first made it out to the beach to catch shows at Washington Square. I first saw these guys open for Green Day while they were supporting Kerplunk and though I wasn't too into Pontius Pilot at first. their set with Fugazi a few months later won me over. Very original sounding stuff.
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