Years Active: 1995 - 1998
Type of Music: Punk
Myspace or Website: http://www.myspace.com/greasykidstuff
This is part 1 of a 2 part Pin Kai post. When I go back to Miami, I plan on getting my hands on the 7 inch but this right here is the majority of the 7 inch plus songs that were recorded for a full length. This includes the song "Hialeah" which, to be honest, has some of the best lyrics ever written. Im working on tracking down the remaining tracks but until then heres what I have. If anyone has info to add, please drop me a line.
EDIT: This now contains what I believe is the complete Pin Kai discography. Thanks Jose
Pin Kai - Discography
we were so bad, i mean, i loved it, i still love the songs, but every pin kai set was so messy and sloppy and i'd get electrocuted by the mic, rumor has it cuz of my braces... i think people really liked us cuz we all looked like we were 13 or 14, when we were 17 or 18... i went on to join and start a few bands, but only for a few months at a time (pop valium, rerun, disney violence, surf and rock dudes) until we started Corky, which later became the Getback, and that's been a decade of jumping and string breaking... I was in the crumbs from 2001-2002, and I'm in the crumbs now.
i'm Jose
Jose, it was totally your braces bro.
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