City: Boca Raton
Type Of Music: Aggressive Indie Rock
Years Active: 1991 - 1998 (roughly)
Myspace or Website: http://www.myspace.com/vacantandys
Vacant Andys will always be remembered as one of the first times that Chris Carrabba (Dashboard Confessional) took center stage. What they should be remembered for is making great music which is what they did. All superior musicians, the band on stage was so much fun. John Owens knew how to talk to a crowd even if he was making jokes a good portion of the time. The Bonebrake brothers on bass and drums rounded out the band. Their style of melodic indie rock did have an aggressive and punk edge to it and you could usually count on a cover of Inside Out's "Burning Fight" or Quicksand "Thorn In My Side". This is yet another occasion where I truly feel they never got their due and broke up before they should have. Im hoping that someday someone will release all of their early material on one disc. I only have their two 7 inches so if anyone has their earlier material please get in touch with me. Members went on Anchorman, Dashboard Confessional, Seville, The Agency, Further Seems Forever, Where Fear and Weapons Meet, and The Enablers.
Vacant Andys - Causeway: The Facade Of Peace and Correspondence
Vacant Andys - Live 7-13-1997
Perhaps mention the Blink 182 controversy?
chip, i have the spork tape.
could you reupload the album please?
I spoke to Amy who ran Fiddler Records and she is in the process of making the Fiddler catalog (including the Vacant Andys) available through Itunes. I took the link down out of respect for her. Sorry
fyi the vacant andy's 7" on fiddler came out with a logo iron on...it ruled.
causeway 7" on colored vinyl listed on ebay here
thanks man
someone re-upload it please
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