Far Out Records was a record store turned label run by future AAA horn player Tim Far Out. From about 1993 - 1997, Far Out could do no wrong and continuously put out great punk records. To be honest I dont know what happened to Tim and the label so if anyone has any info they'd like to pass on, Id love to hear it.
Reader Bruiser77 passed along this info in regards to Tim Far Out. Thanks so much for the help and the info.
"Tim shut down the store i think in 1994-1995 due to lack of business and the area it was in. It was in the ghetto of Ft. Lauderdale (Sunrise To Be Exact). He Was on one end of the courtyard and The Mudhouse cafe was on the other which was a vegan cafe & infoshop. The building has since been condemned but the inside has never been touched. you can still look thru the windows and see old flyers and skate decks on the wall. Tim had a myspace page but not sure what happened to it. Tim & Lisa got married, have two kids and still lived in the Miami area as of 2007."
This compilation came out in 1994 I believe and had a great variety of bands from South Florida including The Crumbs, Against All Authority, Gus, Hudson, and even included a few hardcore bands such as Tension, Culture, and The Murrychesstoes featuring Shai Hulud's Matt Fox. I got this in the mail yesterday from my friend Steve who was gracious enough to sell it to me. Thanks to him for all his contributions thus far...this record was hand screened and the labels of the record were all handwritten. I was unable to scan the covers so I had to take pictures with a digital camera so if it doesnt look amazing, I apologize. I was able to to scan the inserts which includes the addresses of the bands as well their current status at the time. Finally the back cover, includes a map of the state to show where each band is located. Great comp...one last bit, the quality isnt incredible because it sounds like the record was not mastered as a whole so some of the tracks may be a little louder then others. I did the best I could to clean it up so enjoy. Happy New Year, faithful.
Far Out Records - South Florida Compilation
Tim shut down the store i think in 1994-1995 due to lack of business and the area it was in. It was in the ghetto of Ft. Lauderdale (Sunrise To Be Exact). He Was on one end of the courtyard and The Mudhouse cafe was on the other which was a vegan cafe & infoshop. The building has since been condemned but the inside has never been touched. you can still look thru the windows and see old flyers and skate decks on the wall. Tim had a myspace page but not sure what happened to it. Tim & Lisa got married, have two kids and still lived in the Miami area as of 2007.
I went to high school with Lisa and remained friends with her and Tim well into the '90s. My old band Hickey would see them on the rare occasu=ion that we would play with AAA. Great people, hope they are well.
They do not have kids. I know what they are doing, but respect their privacy...so will only clarify the kid situation.
i used to go to the mudhouse every weekend. i remeber they sold Jolt cola and had that really cool sculpture on the wall of a life size man made out of ciggarette butts. we used to trip ball's there and leave quaters and pennies and spoons on the train tracks to see them get flattened. Also a few of my friends had bands that played in the court yard, one was "Lacey knob" and the other "Geek Joint" i still hve their original tapes. those were some great times man, and I loved that little hippy consignment shop in the ccourt yard too... wish there were some pics on line somewhere of that old place....
Actually people, Tim & Lisa currently live in Hialeah and yes they have a 6 year old son and a 4 year old daughter, so get your facts straight. I talked to Tim recently and there is talk of bringing back Far Out Records due to a lack of independent punk stores in the Dade/Broward Area. Talk is Tim & Bob Suren formely of Sound Idea Will Be Partnering up to do this sometime in 2010. Also my name is Brian, i used to run Echo Records and i purchased all of Tim's old stock from Far Out When the shop closed in 1997 to be exact.
i'm tim. i don't have kids, never lived in miami. am not reopening far out records and i'm not partnering with anyone to do anything.
where do you people get your info from? i wish someone would have told me i had children, i was unaware of this problem. oh and as for livin in miami, huh? btw this is LIISA!
This is a longshot, but hey...Tim, this is icki/Mark Murrmann from Sty Zine. I met you guys when I was with Discount and all that junk. Please drop me a line if you happen to see this. mark ((at)) ickibod.com. Thanks, and hope you're doing well!
Tim! This is Damien from Culture/Shai Hulud/ whatever else. Hope all's well!
And Icki?! What up, brother?
Far Out was the best! Used to hang there after school.
I have to clarify one thing. Sunrise is not the ghetto of Ft. Lauderdale I grew up there. Good neighborhoods and neighbors, always safe and clean. Echo Records was not run by a guy named Brian, but Bruce. I was good friends with him, almost there everyday when he first opened the store, and Bruce came originally from San Francisco. Turned me onto a lot of good underground music. Been trying to find him for a long time now. Get your info right. Peace
Worth a try...I'm searching for a few singles in Far Out Records back catalog and would be interested in talking with anyone from the label who might have unsold stock for sale. My email is xk456 ((at)) yahoo.com
found this thread while researching the record. just found a copy at a yard sale on 67th ave near coral way in miami. mixed in with the record was some WVUM stuff so i might have an old U of M radio station copy.
If anyone has a link to this I would love to hear it again. I played in LIFT and lost all the recordings over the years
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